Monday, December 7, 2015

Starting over

So I am back at it. I needed a place to write my notes and figure out my way around what I am doing. I had my son 4 months ago... I have always been worried about getting pregnant as I am already overweight.... so lets add a few more pounds right. I lost weight in my first trimester... and only gained a total of about 20 pounds, most of which was water weight. I was VERY swollen. I lost everything and was back at my pre-prego weight of 240 (not great I know, but better then where I am). As of this morning I have gained all of my prego weight BACK. I am a whopping 259.5lbs. I am SO dissatisfied with my body. I know I am supposed to be genital with myself and give myself time to get back to normal, but honestly I am not getting any better.

I have been having issues getting the exercise that I need. I have been doing stroller strides once a week... I rolled my ankle once... Now after wrestling with my niece and nephews I hurt my knee and can hardly walk... so great.

My belly is still big and covered is stretch marks (which don't really bother me) I have BACK ROLLS! WHAT the hell! Gross! I'm over it.

So as of today, I am going Atkins on my ass. I had coffee this morning. For breakfast I had 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, some left over turkey and some cheese.

For lunch I am thinking some tuna on leteus..Dinner... salad with Turkey at Brenna's as I watch the boys.

I am not ready to tell too many people what I am doing. Tyler knows. But he is my rock and I need some support on this. I am not drinking this week at all but this weekend, we have 2 holiday parties. Tania and Alens and Societe's...

I have not really been drinking that much anyways, When I do, I feel like shit. Even when it is just 1-2 beers. or wine... or liquor... So I just have not been drinking that much. So for this weekend I will probably just stick to that I might have something to drink, I am just not going to drink that much. Especially if I am even a little successful with my weight loss this week.
I just need to remember to stay positive and on track. I know I cant really exercise at the moment... I cant even crawl into bed, but hopefully with a little rest and weight loss my knee will start to feel better and I can get back out there. I want to play soccer again, but there is just no way at the moment that I can do that... All the muscle that I did have has left me and I truly feel like Jello!!

This is a year of change for Tyler and sooooo many aspects of the word. We are moving in with my parents to become debt free. We are decluttering to the max. We are going to loss weight and become healthier. We are always said that we would do this, but we have the best motivation in the world: Hudson. I want to be able to chase him and crawl around with him and play with him and not feel so tired and sweaty and warn down.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Trying to stay on top of this... and really not having any issues at all.... except when it comes to Birthdays  It was my best friends, and roommates birthday this past weekend, so needless to say- it has not been easy to stay away from the sweets and the carbs.

I had a little bit of a back slide on Sunday. We went to Mexican food- I ate the chips, but for my main meal I had a fajita with no tortillas or rice or beans. Just veggies and proteins. But they also brought out mud pie for the Birthday girl.... which we all shared....  I think that was my down fall... But its ok... I have still been very successful so far!

I have lost a total of 10 pounds so far.... YEA I said it! 10 POUNDS!!!! i have not even exercised! Not because I don't want to... or because I don't usually, but I have hurt my back so I have been taking it easy.

I just attended a webinar, and I think that was really helpful! They showed some before and afters and kept it short and sweet. Very to the point. It was encouraging to hear a 63 year old woman say that she has been successful with this, and that there is no bounce back when you stop the drops.

Overall I am feeling great about starting Slenderex and think that I am only going to experience continued weight lose.!!!

Keeping it short and sweet this week!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Where to Begin

My name is Erin. I have recently gained a lot of weight.... well to be fair, I have always been a large girl, but I injured my knee about a year ago, which lead me to have very little exercise for the past year. I have started to play soccer again, my exercise of choice, but I was eating anything and everything.... Its time to make a change.
Starting with the basics, I have cut beer out of the diet all together- hard to do when your husband is a brewer and brings home wonderful beer every night. I have also sworn off fast foods, and for the most part eating out at all... Which will help save a few $$s anyhow. I have also cut my carb intake to very minimal amounts.
Whats more... I have also started a new regimen of vitamins minerals and dietary supplements from Ariix. Which is why I have started this blog... I want to help people have some real feed back about this product.
So what does that entail. Its easy really, 15 drops of Slederiix before each meal, and 15 drops of Exceler8 before Breakfast and lunch.
I have heard great things about this, and stories of people who have used the product, not really followed the rules (ie: light exercise) and still lost weight. So is it true? I guess we are going to find out.
I am dedicated to getting these extra pounds off of my body, and am excited at having a helping hand!
So what are the stats: Without giving you any of the supper personal detail
1. I am considered to be Obese (class II)
2. My BMI is 36.29
3. my body fat is 44.62%
4. I need to lose a total of 45 pounds to hit my first goal weight.
5. According to the national average I need to loss an additional 41 pounds to be in my ideal weight category.

I am not nuts- I know that all sounds crazy- that is a lot off weight to loss... and honestly I am not striving to loss 86 pounds. I just want to feel like I am healthy and can enjoy my life without being so tired, winded and sweaty! But to be fair, sweatiness runs in my we will see how that goes :)

Anyways! Wish me luck- and I hope to bring you great news about Ariix!!!